Monday, 5 September 2016

Confident me

Today I have made a Tagul word cloud to show what a confident person looks like.

Monday, 29 August 2016

My Speechthe-district-provides-speech-and-or-language-therapy-to-students-who-myvGxf-clipart.jpg

Title: Satwriting_f1.jpg
Why we should read everyday?
WALT: write a speech
Remember to:
  • followed the hamburger technique
  • check that message/information/story is clear
  • a have ending that is effective & finishes off the speech
  • write my ideas in a logical order
  • check my speech is suited to my target audience
  • write my speech in my words

Hi my name is Ali and my speech is about reading and why we should read every day.

When you read books you learn different things. I lIke to read books about anImals because I learn about anImals and how they live.

When you read you use your braIn and you get smarter.When you read a lot of books you collect InformatIon in your braIn.

I like to read books because I get pictures I my mInd about the the story I like to guess what Is going to happen In the story.

If you read every day your reading will  get better. I think if you read if must help with your writing and all  your school work. I read everyday to someone in my family because  I read everyday to someone my reading to get better . Ms
Green and Fairy Judy  are very proud of me and my reading and this makes me feel awesome.

You should read every day if you want to do better at school.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Science Week

Here is some of the work I did during Science Week.

My ideas

I have used Thinklink to make a plan about what I would do to the front of our class.

Thursday, 2 June 2016


This week I have been learning how to use Thinglink. Here is my first go.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Today on Kiwikids News I saw the hoverbike, it was flying above the ground. I would like to try to ride a hoverbike I think it would be fun.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Cyber Smart

I have been learning about which photos and pictures I can use.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Brain Poster

Use your brain

Be confident

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Life Cycle of Frog

This week I have been wondering about frogs.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Creative Writing


     Clip clop clip clop. I can see the delicious, yummy and fresh giraffyyye. oh it’s nice sunny day. I feel hungry…. it's a long time i didn’t eat any giraffe. how can I eat him?

     Lion is very smart he is as smart as a scientist he thought  I wish I can be as tall as him so I can easily hunt him. how can I be taller like him? hmmmmm the lion was thinking in his head. Let’s make a ladder of sticks or let's plan something so I can eat the giraffe for my dinner. If I can have big sticks then I can jump on the giraffe and hunt him, and pull him down on the grass and once he die, I can enjoy the meat. Yeah it worked , giraffe is dead, and I had a great meal. I feel so happy.


Garden to Table

It Is fun to cook at Garden to Table
peeling and chopping vegetables
cooking apple pie
lovely smells go up my nose
I like Garden to Table.

Michael-Meredith-and-Owairaka-School-students.jpg (448×324)

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Welcome to my new learning blog. I'm really looking forward to sharing my learning with you.